Category Archives: Gaming

Gotta Breed Them All: Charmander / Charmeleon / Charizard / Mega Charizard X / Mega Charizard Y – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Charmander (Mega Charizard X build)
  • Nature: Jolly
  • Ability: Blaze
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Flare Blitz (STAB / Smogon OU)
    2. Dragon Dance (Smogon OU)
    3. Outrage (STAB when mega / Smogon OU)
    4. Crunch (for lowering enemy Defense) / Bite (for flinches)
  • Pokémon: Charmander (Mega Charizard Y build)
  • Nature: Timid
  • Ability: Blaze / Solar Power (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Dragon Dance (Smogon OU)
    2. Ancient Power (VGC14)
    3. Air Cutter (STAB): bred from Gen IV (learnt from a tutor)
    4. Dragon Pulse (STAB when mega)

Gotta Breed Them All: Gible / Gabite / Garchomp – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Gible
  • Nature: Jolly / Adamant
  • Ability: Rough Skin (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Outrage (STAB / Smogon / Battle Spot Singles)
    2. Iron Head (VGC14)
    3. Thrash
    4. Sand Tomb (STAB)

Gotta Breed Them All: Alolan Meowth / Persian – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Alolan Meowth
  • Nature: Jolly / Timid
  • Ability: Pickup (turns into Fur Coat for Persian)
  • IV’s: 4IV (-Atk, -Sp.Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Foul Play (Smogon / VGC17)
    2. Amnesia
    3. Hypnosis
    4. Punishment

Gotta Breed Them All: Alolan Grimer / Muk – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Alolan Grimer
  • Nature: Adamant
  • Ability: Poison Touch
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Shadow Sneak (Smogon Uber / VGC17)
    2. Pursuit (Smogon Uber)
    3. Clear Smog (Smogon Uber)
    4. Imprison (VGC17)