Category Archives: Pokemon

Smeargle, the ultimate Pokemon catcher

You need help catching legendaries and other hard to catch Pokemon? Not a problem, Smeargle is your solution! It can take some time to set Smeargle up, but through the use of Sketch you can make it the ultimate Pokemon catcher! Below is my Smeargle set-up I use to make sure I catch Pokemon every time.

  • Moves:
    • False Swipe: Takes opponent down to 1 hp
    • Spore: Puts opponent to sleep
    • Soak: Changes opponent type to water, allowing Spore to work against grass typed opponents and False Swipe to hit Pokemon you wouldn’t normally be able to hit, such as ghost typed Pokemon. It can also be used to remove other bad typing match ups such as steel/rock.
    • Taunt: Prevents Pokemon from using non-attack moves such as teleport (looking at you Abra). Alternatively, you can teach it Thief for item hunting, or you could also  use mean look instead for any Pokemon that have a tendency to run away (though this would only be useful in older generations).
  • Ability: Technician – increases power of weak moves (increases power of false swipe, helping you get the Pokemon to 1 hp quicker).
  • Item: Metronome – increase power of a move if used consecutively each turn (increases power of false swipe)
  • Nature: Adamant
  • IV’s: 5IV -Sp.Atk
  • EV’s: 252 Spd, 252 Atk

Gotta Breed Them All: Lotad / Lombre / Ludicolo – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

Lotad’s turn! Lotad’s final evolution Ludicolo has all the heals. For competitive, you’ll probs want that Rain dish ability. Not to worry, HA pokes breed non-HA pokes. Giga Drain, Leech Seed and Synthesis are all decent competitive moves, the forth can be what ever. I chose Teeter Dance as the forth, because confusing the opponent means more chances of them to miss, which means more free heals for you! Also, Teeter Dance is harder to breed onto Lotad, so harder = more valuable (right?).

  • Pokémon: Lotad
  • Nature: Modest / Timid
  • Ability: Own Tempo (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Giga Drain
    2. Leech Seed
    3. Synthesis
    4. Teeter Dance


TheDave ~

Gotta Breed Them All: Wurmple / Silcoon / Beautifly / Cascoon / Dustox – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

Now it’s time for Wurmple, which has two different final evolutions. Unfortunately, both are pretty much useless as far as competitive pokemon go. Eh well, whatev’s. Here’s the most ideal set-up for Wurmple breeding.

  • Pokémon: Wurmple
  • Nature: Jolly (Beautifly) / Calm (Dustox)
  • Ability: Run Away (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Atk) (You get away with 4IV, -Atk and -Sp.Atk, as it’s really only good for status moves)
  • Egg Moves: Doesn’t have any egg moves

Happy breeding,

TheDave ~