Category Archives: Pokemon

Gotta Breed Them All: Poochyena / Mightyena – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

This is the first post in a series ‘Gotta Breed Them All’. In this series I outline what I believe to be the ideal breedable break-down of each Pokémon. My intention is to go through most of the Hoenn Pokédex.

A lot of the break-downs are based on smogon and/or other sources. If available I will always breed the Hidden Ability (HA) of a pokémon, regardless of whether it is more competitively viable or not. The reason for this is because of a HA’s rareness and because HA pokémon still hatch non-HA pokémon. As such, it would still be able to obtain the more competitively viable ability.

Pokéballs: My aim is to always breed down a cool pokéball when possible. As such, if you’re someone who doesn’t care for the pokéball then breeding will be a lot quicker for you.

And now, without further a-do. I shall start off with my ideal breeding set-up for Poochyena.

  1. Pokémon: Poochyena
  2. Nature: Adamant
  3. Ability: Rattled (HA)
  4. IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
  5. Egg Moves:
    1. Fire Fang
    2. Thunder Fang
    3. Ice Fang
    4. Play Rough
  6. How I did it:
    1. Finding a Female HA Poochyena:
      1. Searched for a Female HA Poochyena using Dex Nav.
      2. Once found, caught it using a Luxury Ball.
      3. Check Poochyena’s moves and see if it knows any egg moves already. Make sure to remove any unwanted egg moves, otherwise it will mess up the breeding process.
    2. Getting pokémon for breeding Egg moves:
      1. For Poochyena’s egg moves, they could all be passed down from a Stoutland.
      2. Obtained a  Male Stoutland off the GTS.
      3. Went to the Move Reminder and taught Stoutland: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang.
      4. Levelled Stoutland to level 63 and taught it Play Rough.
    3. Getting a Poochyena with the right egg moves and ability:
      1. Placed Poochyena and Stoutland into day care.
      2. Bred Poochyena’s until I obtained a Female HA Poochyena with 4 egg moves (18 hatched eggs).
      3. Checked IV’s at battle resort: 1 perfect IV (+Atk).
    4. Getting the right IV’s and Nature:
      1. Placed the 1 IV Poochyena in daycare with a 6 IV ditto (holding destiny knot).
      2. Bred until I obtained a higher IV Female HA Poochyena (3 IV’s +Atk,+Sp.Atk,+Sp.Def) (+3 hatched eggs)
      3. Swapped 1 IV Poochyena with 3 IV Poochyena
      4. Bred until I obtained a higher IV Female HA Poochyena (5 IV’s -Def) (+8 hatched eggs)
National Pokédex Certificate TheDave

Pokémon OR/AS Certificates: Cont. National Pokédex Completion

This is a continuation of my in-game certificates post (found here).

I’ve completed the National Pokédex and here is the rather nice looking certificate you get for doing so:

National Pokédex Certificate TheDave
National Pokédex Certificate TheDave

Like the other certificates you can also place it in your secret base for all to see.

As an additional reward you get the Shiny Charm, which increases chances of encountering shiny Pokémon! Using the masuda method, I believe with the shiny charm chances of encountering a shiny Pokémon is ~1/500. Which is pretty good chances for those whom are into breeding 🙂



Pokédex Certificate TheDave

Pokémon OR/AS Certificates: Hoenn Pokédex, Unbreakable Bonds

A little while back I managed to complete my (living) Hoenn Pokédex for Alpha Sapphire. And so, I went to the GAME FREAK Staff (location: Cove Lily Motel in Lilycove City) in the game to receive my certificate:

Pokédex Certificate TheDave
Pokédex Certificate TheDave

It’s pretty amazing, is it not? Yeah, I didn’t really care much about it either. That said, you do get an Oval Charm from the Prof. which increases chances of your Pokémon producing an egg. I would’ve preferred something that sped up the hatching process, as I find eggs generally come quicker than I can hatch them (especially if you have a foreign Pokémon to breed with), but still a decent reward either way.

The other certificate I got was for having a Pokémon from the original Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald games and showing it to the director:

Unbreakable Bonds Certificate TheDave
Unbreakable Bonds Certificate TheDave

You can show him any Pokémon you’ve brought back from the original games and your certificate will be updated with the most recent Pokémon you showed him.

As an added bonus you can put your certificates up for display in your secret bases (you can only have 1 of each).



Pokemon OR/AS Pokemon League – Mewtwo, one-shot wonder

I’ve recently completed Alpha Sapphire which I thought was pretty good. I’m enjoying having secret bases again 😀 I’ve transferred most of my pokemon across and this is my pro-league team I use to clear the league (same pokemon from here): Mewtwo (Mewtwonite Y). That’s right, I only use Mewtwo! This means can have 5 extras in the party! I’d recommend having a dragon/fighting type moves on extras to take care of ones Mewtwo can’t one-shot, I’ve noted when that is. Otherwise, it’s a two-shot, which is still awesome.

My tactics: (Note: Always megaevolving)

  • Elite Four #1: Sidney
    • Scrafty – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Shiftry – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Sharpedo – Thunderbolt (one shot)
    • Zoroark – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Mandibuzz – Thunderbolt (one shot)
    • Absol – Flamethrower (one shot)
  • Elite Four #2: Phoebe
    • Banette – Shadow Ball (one shot)
    • Mismagius – Shadow Ball (one shot)
    • Drifblim – Thunderbolt (one shot)
    • Chandelure – Shadow Ball (one shot)
    • Dusknoir – Shadow Ball (one shot)
    • Sableye – Shadow Ball (two shot) – Fighting move would be better
  • Elite Four #3: Glacia
    • Abomasnow – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Beartic – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Froslass – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Vanilluxe – Flamethrower (one shot)
    • Walrein – Thunderbolt (one shot)
    • Glalie – Flamethrower (one shot)
  • Elite Four #4: Drake
    • Altaria – Psychic (one shot)
    • Gragalge – Psychic (one shot)
    • Kingdra – Psychic (one shot)
    • Flygon – Psychic (one shot)
    • Haxorus – Psychic (one shot)
    • Salamence – Psychic (one shot)
  • Champion: Steven Stone
    • Skarmory – Flamethrower (twoshot – due to sturdy)
    • Claydol – Shadow Ball (one shot)
    • Carbink – Psychic (one shot)
    • Aerodactyl – Thunderbolt (one shot)
    • Aggron – Shadow Ball (two shot – due to sturdy)
    • Metagross – Shadow Ball (one shot)