- Pokémon: Eevee
- Nature:
- Evolve into Espeon: Timid
- Evolve into Flareon: Adamant
- Evolve into Glaceon: Modest / Timid
- Evolve into Jolteon: Timid
- Evolve into Leafon: Jolly / Adamant
- Evolve into Sylveon: Modest / Bold
- Evolve into Umbreon: Calm
- Evolve into Vaporeon: Bold / Calm
- Ability: Anticipation (HA)
- IV’s: 6IV
- or 5IV -Sp.Atk for: Flareon, Leafeon, Umbreon
- or 5IV -Atk for: Espeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Sylveon, Vaporeon
- Egg Moves:
- Wish
- Stored Power
- Charm / Yawn / Curse
Tag Archives: breedable
Gotta Breed Them All: Zigzagoon / Linoone – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread
- Pokémon: Zigzagoon
- Nature: Adamant
- Ability: Quick Feet (HA)
- IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
- Egg Moves:
- Charm
- Pursuit
- Tickle
- Trick
Gotta Breed Them All: Poochyena / Mightyena – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread
This is the first post in a series ‘Gotta Breed Them All’. In this series I outline what I believe to be the ideal breedable break-down of each Pokémon. My intention is to go through most of the Hoenn Pokédex.
A lot of the break-downs are based on smogon and/or other sources. If available I will always breed the Hidden Ability (HA) of a pokémon, regardless of whether it is more competitively viable or not. The reason for this is because of a HA’s rareness and because HA pokémon still hatch non-HA pokémon. As such, it would still be able to obtain the more competitively viable ability.
Pokéballs: My aim is to always breed down a cool pokéball when possible. As such, if you’re someone who doesn’t care for the pokéball then breeding will be a lot quicker for you.
And now, without further a-do. I shall start off with my ideal breeding set-up for Poochyena.
- Pokémon: Poochyena
- Nature: Adamant
- Ability: Rattled (HA)
- IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
- Egg Moves:
- Fire Fang
- Thunder Fang
- Ice Fang
- Play Rough
- How I did it:
- Finding a Female HA Poochyena:
- Searched for a Female HA Poochyena using Dex Nav.
- Once found, caught it using a Luxury Ball.
- Check Poochyena’s moves and see if it knows any egg moves already. Make sure to remove any unwanted egg moves, otherwise it will mess up the breeding process.
- Getting pokémon for breeding Egg moves:
- For Poochyena’s egg moves, they could all be passed down from a Stoutland.
- Obtained a Male Stoutland off the GTS.
- Went to the Move Reminder and taught Stoutland: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang.
- Levelled Stoutland to level 63 and taught it Play Rough.
- Getting a Poochyena with the right egg moves and ability:
- Placed Poochyena and Stoutland into day care.
- Bred Poochyena’s until I obtained a Female HA Poochyena with 4 egg moves (18 hatched eggs).
- Checked IV’s at battle resort: 1 perfect IV (+Atk).
- Getting the right IV’s and Nature:
- Placed the 1 IV Poochyena in daycare with a 6 IV ditto (holding destiny knot).
- Bred until I obtained a higher IV Female HA Poochyena (3 IV’s +Atk,+Sp.Atk,+Sp.Def) (+3 hatched eggs)
- Swapped 1 IV Poochyena with 3 IV Poochyena
- Bred until I obtained a higher IV Female HA Poochyena (5 IV’s -Def) (+8 hatched eggs)
- Finding a Female HA Poochyena: