Tag Archives: Charm

How to get Oval Charm and Shiny Charm in Sun and Moon

Oval Charm:

Requirement: Beat the pokémon league.
Go to the GAME FREAK office (building to the left of the Dimensional Research Lab up the stairs and to the right). Battle and defeat Morimoto. Morimoto will then give you the Oval Charm.
The Oval Charm increases your chances of receiving an egg from breeding.

Shiny Charm:

Requirement: Catch all the pokémon in the Alola Pokédex
Go to the GAME FREAK office (building to the left of the Dimensional Research Lab up the stairs and to the right). Talk to the director who will give you the Shiny Charm. Note: You may need to talk to him a few times if you haven’t before as he’ll give you stamps for completing each of the island pokédex. Once he’s given you all the stamps he’ll give you the Shiny Charm.
The Shiny Charm increases your chances of finding a shiny pokémon!


Gotta Breed Them All: Eevee / Vaporeon / Jolteon / Flareon / Espeon / Umbreon / Leafeon / Glaceon / Sylveon – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Eevee
  • Nature:
    • Evolve into Espeon: Timid
    • Evolve into Flareon: Adamant
    • Evolve into Glaceon: Modest / Timid
    • Evolve into Jolteon: Timid
    • Evolve into Leafon: Jolly / Adamant
    • Evolve into Sylveon: Modest / Bold
    • Evolve into Umbreon: Calm
    • Evolve into Vaporeon: Bold / Calm
  • Ability: Anticipation (HA)
  • IV’s: 6IV
    • or 5IV -Sp.Atk for: Flareon, Leafeon, Umbreon
    • or 5IV -Atk for: Espeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Sylveon, Vaporeon
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Wish
    2. Stored Power
    3. Charm / Yawn / Curse
National Pokédex Certificate TheDave

Pokémon OR/AS Certificates: Cont. National Pokédex Completion

This is a continuation of my in-game certificates post (found here).

I’ve completed the National Pokédex and here is the rather nice looking certificate you get for doing so:

National Pokédex Certificate TheDave
National Pokédex Certificate TheDave

Like the other certificates you can also place it in your secret base for all to see.

As an additional reward you get the Shiny Charm, which increases chances of encountering shiny Pokémon! Using the masuda method, I believe with the shiny charm chances of encountering a shiny Pokémon is ~1/500. Which is pretty good chances for those whom are into breeding 🙂

