Tag Archives: moveset

Gotta Breed Them All: Alolan Sandshrew / Sandslash – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Alolan Sandshrew
  • Nature: Adamant
  • Ability: Slush Rush (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Icicle Crash (STAB)
    2. Metal Claw (STAB)
    3. Night Slash
    4. Crush Claw

Gotta Breed Them All: Oddish / Gloom / Vileplum / Bellossom – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Oddish
  • Nature: Bold / Modest (Vileplume builds) or Modest (Bellossom builds)
  • Ability: Run Away (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Synthesis (Smogon build)
    2. Teeter Dance
    3. Ingrain
    4. Flail