Category Archives: Pokemon

Gotta Breed Them All: Mudkip / Marshtomp / Swampert – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

  • Pokémon: Mudkip
  • Nature: Relaxed (defensive) / Adamant (aggressive)
  • Ability: Damp (HA)
  • IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Curse
    2. Avalanche
    3. Double-Edge
    4. Counter

Gotta Breed Them All: Seedot / Nuzleaf / Shiftry – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread

Been a while, but here we go, time for Seedot / Nuzleaf /Shiftry. Shiftry has a couple decent builds and as such for the best breeding aiming for 6IV is the best (alternatively, you could aim for 5IV -Sp. Atk for a more standard build if 6IV is too much effort). We pick up ‘Defog’ (this one requires a Pokemon from a previous gen to pass it on) and ‘Nasty Plot’ for our competitive egg moves. For the remaining two egg moves I’ve chosen ‘Foul Play’ for a bit of fun using an opponent’s attack stat against them and ‘Take Down’ if you want to enter it in a Tough Contest.

  • Pokémon: Seedot
  • Nature: Adamant / Jolly
  • Ability: Pickpocket (HA)
  • IV’s: 6IV
  • Egg Moves:
    1. Defog
    2. Nasty Plot
    3. Foul Play
    4. Take Down

Pokemon: Happy Birthday to You!

In Pokemon OR/AS, go to any Pokemon center on your birthday and you’ll be greeted with a “Happy Birthday!”. The first time you enter the Pokemon center on your birthday balloons will also appear for a little while 😀 How exciting!

Pokemon Center Birthday Cake
Pokemon Center Birthday Cake
Pokemon Center Happy Birthday
Pokemon Center Happy Birthday

