- Pokémon: Eevee
- Nature:
- Evolve into Espeon: Timid
- Evolve into Flareon: Adamant
- Evolve into Glaceon: Modest / Timid
- Evolve into Jolteon: Timid
- Evolve into Leafon: Jolly / Adamant
- Evolve into Sylveon: Modest / Bold
- Evolve into Umbreon: Calm
- Evolve into Vaporeon: Bold / Calm
- Ability: Anticipation (HA)
- IV’s: 6IV
- or 5IV -Sp.Atk for: Flareon, Leafeon, Umbreon
- or 5IV -Atk for: Espeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Sylveon, Vaporeon
- Egg Moves:
- Wish
- Stored Power
- Charm / Yawn / Curse
Tag Archives: jolly
Gotta Breed Them All: Ralts / Kirlia / Gardevoir / Gallade – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread
- Pokémon: Ralts
- Nature: Adamant / Jolly (Gallade) or Timid / Modest (Gardevoir)
- Ability: Telepathy (HA)
- IV’s: 6IV (or 5IV -Sp.Atk for Gallade / 5IV -Atk for Gardevoir)
- Egg Moves:
- Shadow Sneak
- Destiny Bond
- Memento
- Mean Look
Gotta Breed Them All: Taillow / Swellow – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread
- Pokémon: Taillow
- Nature: Jolly
- Ability: Scrappy (HA)
- IV’s: 5IV (-Sp.Atk)
- Egg Moves:
- Boomburst
- Brave Bird
- Pursuit
- Defog
Gotta Breed Them All: Seedot / Nuzleaf / Shiftry – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread
Been a while, but here we go, time for Seedot / Nuzleaf /Shiftry. Shiftry has a couple decent builds and as such for the best breeding aiming for 6IV is the best (alternatively, you could aim for 5IV -Sp. Atk for a more standard build if 6IV is too much effort). We pick up ‘Defog’ (this one requires a Pokemon from a previous gen to pass it on) and ‘Nasty Plot’ for our competitive egg moves. For the remaining two egg moves I’ve chosen ‘Foul Play’ for a bit of fun using an opponent’s attack stat against them and ‘Take Down’ if you want to enter it in a Tough Contest.
- Pokémon: Seedot
- Nature: Adamant / Jolly
- Ability: Pickpocket (HA)
- IV’s: 6IV
- Egg Moves:
- Defog
- Nasty Plot
- Foul Play
- Take Down
Gotta Breed Them All: Wurmple / Silcoon / Beautifly / Cascoon / Dustox – Best Egg Moves, Ability, Nature and IV spread
Now it’s time for Wurmple, which has two different final evolutions. Unfortunately, both are pretty much useless as far as competitive pokemon go. Eh well, whatev’s. Here’s the most ideal set-up for Wurmple breeding.
- Pokémon: Wurmple
- Nature: Jolly (Beautifly) / Calm (Dustox)
- Ability: Run Away (HA)
- IV’s: 5IV (-Atk) (You get away with 4IV, -Atk and -Sp.Atk, as it’s really only good for status moves)
- Egg Moves: Doesn’t have any egg moves
Happy breeding,
TheDave ~